Tuesday – skipping lunch – tired. I’m wondering why i got up this morning. Email from Darc last night… she’s sick and it makes me sad. Of course, that makes me wonder – what if you were bonded with a bunch of people (for whatever reason) so that if they got sick, you didn’t feel right either. And say you had lost touch with most of them, but the bonds don’t decay – how many days to you wake up not feeling right and not understanding why?
Dear Diary
No One Visits the General Anymore
WTF?! No one ever leaves a freakin’ comment on my stupid pages. Fuckers. I’m foul this afternoon.
Evolution Favors Stupidity
I spent the afternoon at the eastern market, and the late morning at the Smithsonian Natural History museum. While there I was reminded of something. I was shopping through music I can ill afford, but even more so ill afford to live without, when I came upon some reggae: Peter Tosh to be precise. I also stumbled onto some Cubano compilation and Bill Monroe’s best per some company in Jersey.
Wishing for Oblivian
And now, in the East Wing Oblivion! ho-fuckin’-ray! Bra-Fuckin’-Oh! bad room in bad hotel porn on in the background she’s going up and down I’m puffin’ with one hand holding the beer with the other when i clap her upon the head – damn – not a thing to do. i make mental note and … Read moreWishing for Oblivian
Upon Returning to Home
… it seemed so foreign. I wonder if that’s because i never took any long school trips. I always seemed to move right before whatever school trip i had worked towards, only to move away from the new school in time to miss their trip as well.
At what point do we figure out if we’re good or bad at something? Do we see ourselves going down backwards on the staircase and not notice it? I have borne out my suspicions that I am not a good communicator. Meek whispers though they were, I caught notice and listened carefully. And now on this day, I have studied their complaints and have agreed. Not all is lost, however.
Upstate NY
On a trip to Montreal where I was crashing a wedding. Arrive by plane in Hartford, CT, hit New Haven for Dinner, a party, an hour of sleep, the road to Montreal, arrive wedding (after changing in bathroom at last gas station in USA), hit hotel … off to reception where drunk is only the … Read moreUpstate NY
April 3, 2005 – 135 commin’ through Phily. It’s a harsh color of life this Phily offers. It’s not the pink swimingo of youth or the sweet lemonade stands where thirst is killed off with a dime or a quarter. There’s beer here in these dark runoff rivers left over from the deluge of the … Read morePhilly
I’m not really sure what it is about catholics that I don’t like, but it’s something, that’s for sure. I don’t like the way they stand up and sit down and kneel and stand up and kneel; it’s just so confusing. I don’t like the way the priest walks around with the incense and mumbles things in other languages. If what he had to say was so important, he could speak up and talk in English. I just don’t like ‘em. They can all go and sit on the biggest toilet in the whole world and flush themselves into their own confessional of hatred and guilt.