Who cares about the facts, get a reaction!

In this BBC Story, there’s apparently some issue with the "count" of the civilian dead – is it 65K or 650K? Is it that one in every 10 deaths is being reported? Could it be that a nation, in the full grips of war and utter chaos (afterall, who’s paying the teachers to teach in Bagdad and where are the Garbage Men 3 times a week?) might just have a wee bit of corruption and huberis? Is it possible that 5-7 families out of every 10 are just affraid to make the walk down the Ministry of Health for fear of theirs? Could it be that those officials charged with keeping these counts have been, god save them, lazy in their duties; or could it also be that they have been, perhaps, instructed to lower numbers so things don’t "seem" as bad as they are? While Bush looks for a "credible report", I’d like him to look for a credible leader for the American people and our colonies. The only credible count is one done with a firm statistical foundation, as we know that math is not lazy nor does it lie. To call this report "not credible" is to essentially say that all the polls and the counts in the U.S. are not credible – even worse, it is to show your utter innaneity at not being schooled on the fundamentals of math – 2+2 does in fact equal 4, G.W.


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all crap

It’s all crap. I spend more time playing with my poetry and reading it and re-reading it and liking it and not liking it and editing and editing and editing and not doing a damn thing with it, except not writing it. It’s a petulant child that taunts me with my glory days, except when … Read moreall crap


There is now a set of love birds in the tree behind my apt. A red Cardinal and his fine lover chirp to me as I hang out and smoke cigarettes in the blistering heat. Occasionally, they hop down and hang out with me. If I’m watering the ivy or the daisies, they hang out on the fence under their tree and commiserate on neighborly things.

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The Sexy Nurse

every whore is worthless;except for their pain.that’s worth something – to me.it’s cold.i drink tea i made.i eat soup i made.i sleep alone,shadows painting monsterson the ceiling;with sirens wailingtheir curses at me.“No.” I’ll say it again,“I don’t hate you.”I just don’t like to fuck you.you can say it in any language you want,but I know … Read moreThe Sexy Nurse

Childish Dreams

Sweet little doll, you’ve never said a word. You’ve been on my mind, you may have heard Your momma and I, we aren’t really talking It’s been a long time since I went a-walking. If my memory serves, you’d be almost 8 And in my dreams, honey you’re doing great. When you lost your first … Read moreChildish Dreams

Leaving New London

Leaving new london – sorry for the beer I spilled on your floor. And I’m sorry for the vomit that was just a bit too far from your bathroom. But I added to a song from Skidmore, and I read poetry to poets [No one but poets seem to support poetry.] and danced under a sky lit with love at midnight. I lost $20 in a poker game, saw a show and started a revolution.

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Last night was my birthday. OK, the whole day was my birthday. I wound up standing outside Webster Hall in NYC flyering a bunch of poser fucks who went to see System Of A Down. I’d ask if anyone wanted to get rid of George Bush and there were quite a few dicks who’d be like, “Nah – I don’t mind him.” I find it really odd that these same people just got their groove on to lyrics like, “Fuck the system, Fuck the system, Fuck the system” … IDIOTS! [not system of a down, but some of their fans].

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thoughts on thoughts

I used to think … until it became illegal. That is, I had thoughts; some good, some bad. People today don’t think, and they seem proud of that. I keep seeing these instances of the media refusing to hear any message what-so-ever that involves the word communism or socialism. In fact, I have started to notice just how little discussion there is of alternative ideas.

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Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind