Welcome back Data

Bravo! Today I went out and bought an external hard drive enclosure. I had an old 40gb drive I had from like 2000 to 2004 that had just one day died. Of course, I’d never backed it up very seriously, so I lost some unknown number of poems, stories, whatever – those that I hadn’t printed out. I’d done a pretty thorough recovery with the print outs I’d had, but you can never know what else had existed only digitally – except for perhaps one you remembered, but not well enough to re-create… always thinking it would be great if you could just get at that data.

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My niece wrote something to a group looking for response, so I neglected to read the entirety of her request and seemed to land abruptly on “Inspires” … to that I was inspired to reply. Sadly, my reply reads like a Chemical Mania summersault when I actually read the request….. But I liked it so I decided to save it, as though she asked “What inspires you?”

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untitled #413

the interesting thing, i find, is the blinding light that accompanies every grief. wrote poems, never a mention, made pictures it was acceptance. Had I read the letter closer, the lines that said, “accepted it”, I might have done nothing different. one imagines in that a venerability – vulnerability (      I did ) but … Read moreuntitled #413

Where to from here?

So, I’ve been accumulating things to write about, and not actually writing about them. It occurred to me that I should write them down in a list to return to and see what it was I wanted to write about. Oh, and I thought of something else, should anybody have any deep thoughts on these … Read moreWhere to from here?

Jesus Loves Me

We used to sing a song in Sunday School called “Jesus Loves Me” … and it went something like this:
Jesus loves me
this I know,
for the bible
tells me so.
Little ones to him belong.
We are weak, but he is strong.
Yeeessss, Jesus loves me!
Yeeeesss, Jesus Loves Me!
It went on with some other verses that I don’t remember anymore, but that’s not really important. What is important is that I thought Jesus was a big man like my Father, who just happened to leave me and my family. I can’t say that I ever really liked Jesus back then. Strong or weak, he wasn’t around and that sucked.
It occurs to me now that I was wrong. Perhaps with my limited vocabulary or these simple songs, I couldn’t quite understand the way things were, could be, or are. The church laid some heavy shit on us, precisely when we had the fewest resources to even contemplate it. And in being wrong, I was kind of right – without totally realizing it. At least, right as far as I was concerned.

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Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind