thoughts on thoughts

I used to think … until it became illegal. That is, I had thoughts; some good, some bad. People today don’t think, and they seem proud of that. I keep seeing these instances of the media refusing to hear any message what-so-ever that involves the word communism or socialism. In fact, I have started to notice just how little discussion there is of alternative ideas.

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Some days I feel like a Nut, some days I don’t

Tuesday – skipping lunch – tired. I’m wondering why i got up this morning. Email from Darc last night… she’s sick and it makes me sad. Of course, that makes me wonder – what if you were bonded with a bunch of people (for whatever reason) so that if they got sick, you didn’t feel right either. And say you had lost touch with most of them, but the bonds don’t decay – how many days to you wake up not feeling right and not understanding why?

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Total Despair

I have seen the Count of the Dead. I imagine each life gone as one more in a Give-a-thon Until the goal of total despair is reached. I live in a new world Where things I can not see Bounce around and are me, Threatening me with mutually assured destruction. Certainly in empires there is … Read moreTotal Despair

Party Hats

Everyone put on your party hats, dresses and shoes and get your asses down to DC for the event of your week. On Friday, Sept. 23, I’m having a party @ my place. On Saturday, Sept. 24, we’ll march on the white house and let ’em know what we think of all this crap. It’s … Read moreParty Hats

Untitled #13

Out on the horizon where the sky dances with the earth, I spent last night dreaming of a love that passed through this life with all the chances of an everyday For possibilities infinite. What blessing is it to know the stranger you will love         again and again?

Metaphysical Seamstress

Most days I’m content to go to bed and let rumble through my head the various details of the day: what went well, what went badly? What did I want to do tomorrow? It has only recently occurred to me that these are the very same thoughts I think when kissing someone I either don’t care about, or am no longer interested in. Now I have to wonder if this means I’m not even that interested in myself. But, last night was a kindly-dash-to-sleep as soon as I lay my weary head down. And it was weary. It wasn’t so long ago that I could live on 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night. But it also wasn’t terrifically recent either. And what prompted this great sleep, you may inquire? Well, it was a tremendous feeling of satisfaction.

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– Get More –

Congress Heights is a sight of sadness and doom Yet they all seem to somehow get through. Me in my whiteness and they in their blue; which one of us is really getting through this thicket of options in a toothpaste society where more is just more and less is just fighting (hunger) Can we … Read more– Get More –

Evolution Favors Stupidity

I spent the afternoon at the eastern market, and the late morning at the Smithsonian Natural History museum. While there I was reminded of something. I was shopping through music I can ill afford, but even more so ill afford to live without, when I came upon some reggae: Peter Tosh to be precise. I also stumbled onto some Cubano compilation and Bill Monroe’s best per some company in Jersey.

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Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind