The Mulinational “What’s my name” game

Here is an essay Sam Palmisano wrote to the Fincial Times. And below is my response. But quickly, it’s an interesting essay on Globalization, and the direction it will, should, and is taking. I admit that I come to read this essay with a bit of skepticisim I reserve for anyone in a post of power – especially those in the corporate power posts as this seems to be our new government, which seriously irks me, for lack of a better verb.

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Tiger Lilly

Such Boldness you display,your orange to take my blue away -how fierce are youlying in the brambles?No fear of shredding -you prey, my eyes;Feast on my heart!There is nothing gentlein your hypnotic sway,like your namesakeborn to playthese strings to my soul;summer days grow coldyou warm these nightswithout stars – not enough lightat midnight we never … Read moreTiger Lilly

Imaginary Wars

An update for all who are closely following the conflict between the two blocks of University Pl. NW. Unification will happen, whatever the cost. Determination was why the people wanted me. Well, by people, I mean the one’s I serve at the pleasure of, not all those stupid voters. Anyway, read on for the update. … Read moreImaginary Wars


Recently I declared war on a certain deserving group of people. Read on to see the declaration and the plans. Further, I am being supported in my efforts by Dra and others. Hello ALL! I have cleverly BCC’d everyone on this list so as not to violate any friendship NDA’s I may have signed. Without … Read moreWAR!

Army Surplus

How many playgrounds
will you give me for this tank?
I’ve got a helicopter with cannons
for a school on a river bank.
We’ve got a lot of bullets
and a bunch of useless bombs;
Can I trade these in
to help out some single moms?
I can’t really think
of a time that I’d need
a machine gun to kill
a thousand, indeed.
perhaps you could take
all this extra stuff,
and instead give the homeless
a life less gruff.
perhaps we could send
130,000 troops
into New York to feed
the hungry on their stoops.
With this much extra,
why stop there?
We could be feeding
everyone, everywhere!
And imagine all the children
playing with their toys,
rather than them screaming
from the bombing’s noise.
If all of that is not enough,
I’ve got a nuclear submarine
to put up to auction
for the American Dream.

Read moreArmy Surplus

Nothing is what it Says

I read Economic reports on Iraq.I read the constitution.Nothing is what it says.(These are lies being written)I read Workplace Handbooks.I read Investor Prospectus’.Nothing is what it says.(There’s an old hat on my head)I read history books.I read poetry.Nothing is what it says.(my heart has never broken)I read instructions for my vaccuummee.I read the lease agreement.Nothing … Read moreNothing is what it Says

Drunken Fools

The Red Sox lost for 86 years in a row,But still they showed up to Fenway.It made for a comfortable hometo all of Boston’s drunks.New York can have their World Series,I just want $7 bleacher seatsand $2 beers.That’s really winning.


Goddamn useless whores seem to permeate the skin of a decent bar like your fingers get waterlogged and pruny when they’ve been wet too long. Those whores really take away from a decent drinking experience.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind