The court that thinks itself supreme risks its soul

First of all, I’m not a lawyer – I do, in point of fact, have a soul.

Second, the Supreme Court is hardly supreme, given their serious flaws in

Recently, the US Supreme Court handed down an opinion on the constitutionality
of the 2003 federal statute titled “Partial Birth Abortion Ban” that sided
with the ban, throwing out many years of commonly accepted jurisprudence.
Well, it would be prudent to point out the flaws in the logic, and further to
propose a definition with which the Court can provide clear direction in the

Read moreThe court that thinks itself supreme risks its soul

What about non-violence?

Violence is a word that is sterile, anti-septic. Non-violence is the same. Each of these words, one the antonym to the other, are safe, academic words that don’t express the suffering they are supposed to describe. What is hidden under each word?

Violence: fear, hurt, pain, searing, cold, weakness, ache, loss, grief, suffering, power, control, dominance, submission, rage, frustration, violation … Non-Violence: reason, intellect, compassion, wisdom, kindness, love, determination, safe, tolerance …

Gandhi once said something along the lines of, "The world has a choice: Nonviolence or non-existence." Within myself, I must consider my fears – that my "self" will be destroyed if I allow others’ violence against me. This is a profound fear; it seems based in the desire of every cell of my body to continue its own existence. That fear feels inborn – I have never been without it; walking alone or in a pack, there is the fear of my own flame being extinguished lingering in the background, keeping me company.

I have questioned the "how" of nonviolence – how do you get there? How do I stop what feels to be an instinctual reaction to protect myself? How do I accept force against me? How do I submit to my spirit, rather than to my body? How do I overcome things that aren’t even ideas, that were not taught to me, but seem to be there none the less? HOW?

I have asked these questions for what feels like a long time – though I imagine 5 years is not long enough to understand the spirit. Perhaps I should ask myself something else entirely: "What drove you to desire overcoming the violence inherent in the body?"

Read moreWhat about non-violence?

Black Outs

I am the yin and yang; dark and light; good and bad; positive and negative. I have seen the edge where my two souls meet; the clash of storms vying for space. There is a raging swirling pool there filled with blackness at its core desiring all that could exist to feed its engine of … Read moreBlack Outs

Random Thoughts

so i’ve decided to learn a little about AJAX and started thinking about any application being built into the browser, with the ability to pop up layers with options, or the standard dialogs we’re used to – then I started thinking about how it would be cool to have some kind of caching mechanism so … Read moreRandom Thoughts

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind