Crime Fighters

All night long, there are sirens running to and fro’ trying to save the world. They weren’t able to save us. There were emergency room visits and papier-mâché hearts that dropped from fire escapes, only bruised, not entirely broken – just to see if I could really die. Sirens and guns and bulletproof vests won’t … Read moreCrime Fighters

Drunken Expose’

I am pained by my comrades in this Drunken Expose’ of lost lives and an inability to cope. I am the same as them. All the bottles on the wall hollering aloud their dreams are just us cast in glass. Suicide might be easier than listening to that god damned worthless voice. I could kill … Read moreDrunken Expose’

The Closet

There’s an empty spot, now, in the closet. The hangars are gone where the sweaters were. The blond at the end of the bar has stories to tell, but I won’t listen. The pony tail turns me on, the lean into things is a tease I barely notice. All I can think of is the … Read moreThe Closet

untitled #4

Lock me away for our own safety, hang me for such crimes – to betray you shall condemn me – chain me to a wall Please, a payment to love, still incomplete, allow me sunlight mere minutes a day. Kiss my chest with your teeth and avoid all delicacy; wander me in circles in the … Read moreuntitled #4

I Love Fidel Castro

i love fidel castro, if only for the sin; i think he’s swell to make so many swim, god knows it’d be easy for us all to go and blame him, but the peasants that revolted, well, they’re the real sin; this kind of poverty is more pure than pure gold, it’s the balance of … Read moreI Love Fidel Castro

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind