We used to sing a song in Sunday School called “Jesus Loves Me” … and it went something like this:
Jesus loves me
this I know,
for the bible
tells me so.
Little ones to him belong.
We are weak, but he is strong.
Yeeessss, Jesus loves me!
Yeeeesss, Jesus Loves Me!
It went on with some other verses that I don’t remember anymore, but that’s not really important. What is important is that I thought Jesus was a big man like my Father, who just happened to leave me and my family. I can’t say that I ever really liked Jesus back then. Strong or weak, he wasn’t around and that sucked.
It occurs to me now that I was wrong. Perhaps with my limited vocabulary or these simple songs, I couldn’t quite understand the way things were, could be, or are. The church laid some heavy shit on us, precisely when we had the fewest resources to even contemplate it. And in being wrong, I was kind of right – without totally realizing it. At least, right as far as I was concerned.
Whore Magazine #2
And here is Whore #2 – I’ve procrastinated enough and while I’m not happy with it still, and have some more to put in and some to take out, I’m hoping that by putting the unfinished product here, I will be motivated to make it better for fear of horrible responses. So, without further a … Read moreWhore Magazine #2