A Rock and a Hardplatz

Ok, it took me a while, but here it is. No guarantees on timeliness, but I will do what I can. I have a goal for a desk to find me this weekend. I can’t pay for it as I just bought a bed and for the first time in my life splurged on my sleep – who’d a thunk it? Now I don’t want to go out, but rather spend all evening in my bed! If only I had sheets and comfy pillows and that kind of shit. Then it would be rock and roll.
I’m not sure if you noticed, but I’ve not been writing much. I don’t have an excuse … just a lot of experiences I haven’t take time away from to record. And learning German. With that, I’ll write more poetry and leave you be.

2 thoughts on “A Rock and a Hardplatz

  1. I check in here from time to time, as you know…and I am delighted to see you writing.
    A bed is indeed a good splurge. Hopefully sheets and comfy pillows will find you this weekend as well.

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Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind