thinking of zen

find out just what you don’t need.
put it on sale and buy 10 of them.
say it was worth saving the money.
pick out a small dark spot that is scary.
send your children in to it without light.
tell them it was an effort towards freedom.
take a nail and pound it through your hand.
find the release of enlightenment in the pain.
say that you will never again forget love.
walk away from the collection of shops.
shine lights into your own fears of the dark.
avoid causing suffering to any part of the whole.

2 thoughts on “thinking of zen

  1. these spots in the world,
    they’re left out from me,
    inside you, deep, can youfeel?
    the tear on the right side?
    I read on the left,
    when this happens.
    it’s ok. it’s always been this way.
    no worries, no shakes,
    put you’re shivers away,
    I’ll not scare you anymore today.
    not anymore today.
    No – today was about love.
    though a lot of people don’t understand,
    it’s not them, it’s the plan.
    trust me, i know it.
    i wrote it. – lots of places to be,
    lots of plans to see. Write it for ME!
    Don’t worry, thelonius monk never thought
    oustide of his jazz jurisdiction.
    me, on the right side of wrong, well,
    I thought of it all – i even tried to figure out
    how to kill him whith the NorthWestern maul
    said I’d take the TV into the forest
    pretend it was just a robery – do you know those?
    where you chase the fiend with a vacuume rod?
    out the window he came with the black and white tv – the new one the insurance bought from the last
    the one on Christmas?
    Shit. I’d almost forgotten.
    thank you god you were here.
    no worries, no fear.
    Aren’t we just playing with tears?

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Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind