fuck. shit. fuck shit. it’s come again.
nagging voices, uncertainty, doubt
masquerading as sadness.
it comes in rays of sunshine
through slatted blinds
and soft tendrils of hair
left on my pillows
to be stared at
like a 2 headed cat.
You can’t keep everyone from knowing
just how much you can’t hide from yourself
and its the inability to understand
that makes the crazy people shout:
how can you not see!!!!!!
how can you not hear!!!!!
my voice is bigger than trees
and my presence dominates
How can they not see?
How can they not hear?
How do they ignore the sidewalks
made of razorblades
and broken glass
barking its sound shattering,
accompanying the sounds
of the fallen,
ground up to pulp and grizzle
on their way to work,
dinner, dates, shopping,
minute after minute.
How can they?
This is the loss, the darkness
and in the end, we’ll go outside
and settle this like men,
because I can’t hear or see or dream anymore.