
Man works his fingers till they bleed, tryin’ to provide for his seed.
But it doesn’t matter because the worlds a mad hatter
and nothing seems to make sense
they were lies about the white picket fence.
And we all bought it, at least I did
Preachin’ it to me since I was a kid.
Pearly whites will get the chick, if that doesn’t work try this beer for the Pick
Up … in the towers where the black people live
You know, the place white’s don’t go? You’re afraid to give
‘em the job they need even though they’re as good as me.
But I’m white, fuck do I know?
In Living Color was just a TV show.
And the times we spent in the lines, gettin’ the government cheese
That’s some shit to keep you on your knees.
The lines aren’t in color anymore, they’re in denominations
And if you ain’t got it, you’re subject to condemnation.
It’s the people in the street just trying to make ends meet
That make up the world we live in, love in, die in
Struggle to find ourselves in.
That single mom tryin’ to feed her kids doesn’t deserve the pain we give
About get a job,
an angry mob
screamin’ how she’s takin’ it all
all I see is a goat takin’ a fall
and where’s this justice everybody’s always talking about
you get arrested if you think something you shout.
Blow your horn the next time you see the guy with the sign,
Not cause he’s in the way, ‘cause you share his state of mind.
That’s right, it’s a war… and it’s gonna be paid for
By the poor
Just tryin’ to get in the door
they can only have it for so long
Don’t they listen to history’s song.
Keeping people out just lets ‘em in
‘cause there’ll always be more of them.
Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind