Untitled #49

Good christ.
I saw a man from Iraq.
Told me to call him Sarge.
Get me in free.
After I mentioned
I had a protester in my apt.
for over 2 months.
for food and drink,
we are all one. kill me kill he
kill we, and we are sill one.
Drives steaks through my heart
to see how misunderstanding
tears us apart. (a division of joy)it’s just for me, don’t print this-(sorry).
And how quickly I judge
as though I’ve thought it all through just right
but complexities arise, like benign love
for one soul to another,
(what are we talking about here?
(daughters or brothers?)
God damn the wires from
my heart to my brain!
Insufficient infrastructure

2 thoughts on “Untitled #49

  1. That ending sucks. it’s childish and … just spare us that bullshit ending. “REFLEX DRAIN”? IN ALL CAPS? SHOULD WE YELL IT? christ! with a hanger-on like wires and infrastructure, what the fuck are you thinking wasting it on reflex drain? Sarcasm? Go Fuck Yourself.
    And some of us like continuity … this rhyming half way between start and finish is just telling of your in ability to focus or edit. Don’t publish this shit – but not because it’s offensive to me, but because of the great harm it will do to us when we are discovered by a superior species and they find this horrendous tortured adaptation of what was previously the lowest I’d seen poetry go.
    And this stakes in the heart crap? misunderstanding driving you apart?
    He said he’d get you in free? Did you think he was talking about his ass? What did you misunderstand in him? Or are you some prick who thinks everyone in Iraq is a baby killer? Get over yourself.

  2. Well, Mr Reily – if that is in fact your true name; seems to me I’ve heard it somewhere, um, like, um, “A Confederacy of Dunces” anyone? Bueler, Bueler – that’s right Chump! I know who you are and what you’re about. Though, these things only take away from your persona, not your insight.
    That said, you make good points – about the ending that is. The rest of your points are garbage. Clearly you are a little insecure. You should tell Post Secret all about it.
    In the mean time, keep the critisism comming – it only sharpens the knife blade so that the cuts are better.

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Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind