Continents from home
-Swirling Beauties-
like me, 5 hours from home
7 hours now,
9 years since
is there prime in all these odds?
Odd beauties float around
Butterfly wings beating my heart
my soul, where I love
more deeply than I could hate
Birds on wires greeting
grey over cast - waiting the rush out.
We'll pay penance for crimes
in past lives
or will it work out this time around -
My death is cheaper here,
beloved Virginia
of questionable intent
of bad history that hurts
my arteries with disease
from isolation and artifacts of crimes.
Where was that tree
That we hung from by our necks,
too soft to understand
the rope never meant any harm.
On quiet Thursdays
bite down on sub-urban tears
streaking down faces,
gloriously naked
Dripping onto concrete grey
(these are the cell days)
where the sky, once uniquely humane,
merges into traffic at Horizon on-ramps
Belt me away from this loneliness
that permeates my out stretched intestines,
my liver soft from the fights
to sleep without dreams
(even the good ones sting [on waking]).