war sweet war

war sweet war,
blood upon sweat,
dripping into my mouth,
war, oh sweet, war,
come and declare
yourself to me!
hidden behind your bullets,
balls of steel, lead
(and depleted uranium),
piss upon me and
declare me Your whore…
oh, war, sweet war!
How the children admire you,
each death a trophy,
each injury a medal,
oh esteemed war,
battles of our hearts…
how I desire your
dead upon my heaving body,
the maimed to drag behind me –
Oh, war, tell me:
What can I make you for dinner?
Surely you desire a feast of the weak,
the stupid, the unambitious…
those overly ambitious generals
who drive you to work…
you must have quite an appetite!
Here, sweet lover of death,
here are the orphans for your grizzly teeth,
the raped widows, the barren young virgins;
I will give them all to you,
deliriously dreamy war,
for you have earned each
tear, scream, muffled last breath,
each humiliation and torment,
every sadness and shrill cry of the children
whisked into the night of our love making…
For you, deathly war, frightening war, for you
I have prepared myself,
to be the apple in the swine’s mouth,
the feat of your feasts,
I have become the fat goose
for your christmas dinner,
the blood pudding for your desert –
oh, LOVER! LOVER! LOVER! tear my arms from their sockets
with your passion and glory,
tear my legs from my torso
with your Patriotism and Heroism,
rip out =my eyes as your collateral damage
and seal my lips with your chemical burn kiss…
destroy what is, what was, me
and take me with you into your peace –
for that is all you know, sweet succulent gift – war.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind