
waiting on the fire
to burn me to the bone,
waiting on the message
that comes out the god damned phone,
waiting on an airplane
to bring me back my love,
waiting on a god to exist
to take me high above,
waiting on the dreams
to come from somewhere else,
waiting on a cold cold morning
to find my empty self.

i’m waiting for your lips
to part this doldrum sea,
i’m waiting for your heart
to finally recognize me,
i’m waiting for a christ,
a messiah if you will,
for i’ve only got a banged up heart
that seems its made to spill.

i’m waiting on everything,
action is not my game,
i’m waiting for tomorrow
to tell me that you came,
i’m waiting for love
to be decent once again,
i’m waiting for everything
that i won’t commit a sin.

i’m waiting and waiting and waiting and …
there’s nothing coming soon!
I’m waiting and waiting and waiting and …
i’m just waiting for you.

were i a better person,
more complete by myself,
i’d wait no longer for the day
that you love no one else.

I’d get up and go and live a life
that, by all rights, is mine to live,
I’d stand and yell my freedom out
until there nothing left to give.

but alas i am not a better man,
no greatness comes from my soul;
I am but a lonely man
left to wait in this hole.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind