god damn universe, fate, destiny and all that shit!
god damn it all into oblivion, into a trajectory that misses every heart.
the cold death of frozen lips,
stared at while they turned blue.
We blame it on needles and things that steal your soul
but a career isn't as spectacular a death as the needle,
and still less than lying next to death,
black as robes around your face
until you can't breath the hair next to you.
i remember well, the agreement
but i'm not certain, that is to say, we didn't
agree upon a timeframe…
perhaps it was all borrowed time -
i've only ever seen san francisco
kill young love with its wretched teeth.
and these devils posing as gods,
what dementia they offer when they fulfill dreams
what solemn insanity,
fists upon walls and faces,
until blood streams - never from the walls or faces.
its all so obvious, still, still it's so fucking obvious
and the insidious desperation to be loved
drowns dignity, rationality
and strangles the obvious.