Depression II

NOTE: This is quite old, i got lazy and didn’t feel like finishing it, but i think it’s fairly rounded anyway.
Note LATER: Wow, I just re-read this and it is TOTALLY not even close to finished…. WTF?!? And no one points out the failure… thanks. Oh, wait, you have to have readers to have someone point things out. Oh well – maybe one day.
So a bit has happened in the last few weeks… well, more than a bit, but we’ll get to that.
1. Yesterday the congress approved $700,000,000,000 (or MORE) Details are still fuzzy; but I am sure the Companies got what they wanted.
2. Despite the “effort” to keep the DOW at some particular level, it dropped again by another 3% or so.
3. The VP debates went off w/o a debate; instead we got a joint campaign stop w/ 90 second Stump Speeches.
One quote comes to mind by John F. Kennedy:

Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.

It seems clear to me that the People DID NOT want this bill, did not want anything to do with this bill, yet despite that, the Ivory Tower that the congress sits in decided to go ahead and give ALL of our remaining money to a few LARGE Corporations. It seems to me that if there was ever a doubt as to who the Congress, Executive and Judiciary serve, that doubt is gone and the people are left with snuffed out candles and an acrid smell of their lives going up in smoke.

That said, what’s left to do? The government will not allow itself to be protected against interests that go against the people. The government refuses to stand up and represent those it is sworn to represent, instead paying lip service and when that fails resorting to Ad Baculum fallacies, threatening with fear and chaos.
And at the end of the day (literally), it does ZERO good for the people. Rarely has a lie been so quickly uncovered by reality. In the wars, they could control information, ensuring their lies are the only information available, but in this world of anarchic markets, the lies fester and the sores burst open as soon as the bill is signed.
I have a 401K that as I am getting older, is the closest thing to a safety net I have as I get closer to my grave. It’s going to be wiped out. All the REAL money I’ve put into it is worthless now because that money went to pay the already extraordinarily wealthy. Here’s how it went (and this is a much for me as it is for you):
Rich man A borrows money from people like me (w/o my consent*), then buys speculative things with it (primarily pieces of paper). Rich Man A made a bad bet and loses that money. Rich man A asks the government to give him more money with which to buy more pieces of paper.

2 thoughts on “Depression II

  1. I agree – somewhat, I blame the lenders too AND the effing government for helping out. That does NOT forgive the borrower their ignorance though. For the record, if your borrowing $200,000.00 you better phucking understand the terms.
    Anyway…contact me mofo – I don’t have your info anymore!

  2. Ahhh, Mikey! How I have missed you…. Sending contact info via alternative means 🙂
    But to respond: I find it always funny when Die-Hard-Industrialists suggest that when a company is smart enough to get over on a consumer (sometimes other companies), it’s buyer-beware.
    But let a consumer get over on a company and “personal responsibility” becomes the mantra.
    Oh the double edge of the razors cut… Sadly, the consumer never really does get over on the Corporation – the later gets bailed out, and the former lose their homes.

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Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind