Sunday Night Comming Home

It’s a day if it’s any day
and today is one of those –
working stiff calling out
working stiff pressing down
picket fence, lawns, swings
suburban dreams.
hallucinogen in twilight’s
forest gleaming last night
last night of hoo-rah
first light of going home.
Cadillac dreading mold
mildew – not frames – keep it up
keep them up and high
high as kites and planes and clouds
but not so high that we’d find god.
Not here…
roiling and bounces side soft down up
(swishing noises, swishing noises I’m saying!)
and all these loves going south
        (she said, “Home Base”
        and I said, “al Qaeda”,
        clearly off guard – “Oh, What?!” not angry
        “al Qaeda means ‘home base’” not funny at all
(and here is where I feel bad because no one should ever have to be scared. not me not you not us not them, no one. and I’m sorry and sorry and I wish I didn’t scare you and you didn’t scare anything and the cockroach could go home with out the weight of your shoe on his back.)
we’re terrorized by the mere thought of terror
reminds me of wincing for pain that doesn’t happen
looks strange and feels foolish
foolish with the expired driver’s license
can’t care about the things you care about
can’t feel the brilliance of a 9 to 5
what rape I consent to each morning
from ugly electric green buzzing harsh – startling.
And today is another day of days
in millions of them; like people;
like the whole world
one day for each person
but it happens every day
for each person without knowing that today is their day
(it’s my day, but I’m looking for one – something else)

1 thought on “Sunday Night Comming Home

  1. Dear Sir,
    While I find your site horrendous, please be aware that I am doubly ashamed of your continued presence on our Lord’s earth. One can hardly begin to contemplate His plan for you, least yet, be expected to retain full control of his gastronomical faculties while this Offense is pulsating with all the vigor of a sailor at a peep show through this abominable internet.
    Since I can not profess understanding of Fortuna’s control at the wheel, I can inform you, with much enthusiasm, that I am overjoyed to see how you have squirmed under the pressure of our boys in Washington while committing your grave misdeeds.
    Were it not for that significant insight into your suffering, I might have thought there was no punishment for the likes of such a profligate as yourself. Because of this keen understanding of your work, I have been saved severe malfunctioning of my valve. I can not, however, bring myself to thank you in as much as I could thank Lucifer himself for providing reason to opposition.
    Yours in Great Hope for your continued suffering,
    I. J. Reily

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Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind