Dear Schumer – you may remember the letter I sent to you regarding your nomination of Mulkasey (though I seriously doubt it – perhaps the aid reading this does). You didn’t listen then and look at what you’ve got. Perhaps you’ll listen now (though I’m not holding my breath).
You seriously suck. You are a liar and a two faced – oh, wait, you’re a politician. My bad. But in all seriousness …..
You’re trying to introduce a bill that would allow a company to do business in a state w/o paying taxes to that state. Thanks. I live in DC and despite not being able to vote for representation (thanks again for that one), I pay federal taxes, and DC taxes and if I work ONE DAY in VA or MD or anywhere else, I pay them some taxes too. How about my relief?
You really are a dick. You slime in front of the camera’s pretending to be anti-war, pro-people, whatever you think we want to hear, but then you go around and essentially allow me to be robbed by the states I don’t live in, but make it safe for a corporation. What an asshole. You probably wouldn’t use your blinkers if you drove for yourself. You really do give a bad name to … well, to just about everything.
How about you get out from in front of the cameras and actually THINK about the crap you do. At this point, it’s not just my calls that are being listened to by the NSA and whomever else, but it’s your calls too. Surely you don’t think you got out of that one cause your a special Senator, do you? You really screwed up with Mulkasey and you’re screwing up with just about everything.
I think I will write you a letter a day until you are either replaced by the someone better or worse than you, or you get a backbone and decide who you’re going to stand for: the people or Fictitious Entities. Well, maybe I’ll keep writing you letters just so you know what a wretched human being you are.
So, in summary – stop this non-sense of saving taxes for Corporations. Also (not mentioned earlier in this letter), GET THE HELL OUT OF IRAQ. I don’t care how complicated you think it is, stop funding it and you’ll see it’s pretty simple. Also, I hope you get caught like Spitzer did, except I hope it’s Mulkasey that prosecutes you.
You really really suck. Seriously.
And FYI, if I ever see you in a bar in town, I’m going to make the biggest scene ever about what a SCUM BAG you are. I’m sure you’ll have me thrown out and ignore all my rights to “free speech”, etc., but I’m really tired of paying for your stupid ass and getting absolutely nothing for it,
always cheery under your oppression,
Joshua Taylor
Also, I encourage any readers to send him one too.
1 thought on “Another Letter to Charles Schumer”
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Right on!