00000000 4d 6f 6e 20 41 70 72 20 20 38 20 30 38 3a 31 38 |Mon Apr 8 08:18|00000010 3a 33 31 20 50 4d 20 43 45 53 54 20 32 30 32 34 |:31 PM CEST 2024|00000020 0a |.|00000021

Except the Cituation for What it Isn’t: a tall cool glass of sand. And without that, what would we do in bed with each other? Eat bagels and lox?

Harry haller – 1927
it wasa sundaywhenweallwentto shit.
the filthy shame of existence is rarely a deciding factor in major choices.
  1. a time of wasted effort is rarely wasted … it is the time afterwards that we waste, forgetting all our efforts and allowing our gods to die. ↩︎

I’m a divorced Dad, but I’m still cool. its important my kids think so… You see how I bought them matching Jackets about 3 years ago … they were big so they’d grow into them.

My girlfriend thinks my kids are cool, until it’s time to go to Puerto Mucho Culo … no worries, ex-wife is still good for something!

I’ll see you guys next month! Good luck @ soccer!

“Seize the moments of happiness, love and be loved! That is the only reality in the world, all else is folly. It is the one thing we are interested in here.”

Count Leo Tolstoy
What Ol’ Tolstoy thinks about you…

When I at last clearly comprehended that the words ‘do not resist evil’ do really mean that we are
never to resist evil, my former ideas concerning the teaching of Christ underwent a complete change. I
wondered, not so much at my eyes being opened to the truth at last, but at the strange darkness that had,
until then, enveloped my understanding. I knew – we all know – that the foundation requirement of the
Christian doctrine is love toward all men. Isn’t all Christianity summed up in the words, ‘Love your
enemies’? I had known that from my earliest childhood. How was it, then, that I had not hitherto taken
in these words in all their simplicity, but rather had sought for some allegorical meaning in them? — LEO TOLSTOY, P.5, WHAT I BELIEVE

Without your courage, I would be shivering in a corner, waiting for the final shot to ring out.
But your courage, As vivid as a Purple Sunflower… it has saved millions and comforted more.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind