I am the yin and yang; dark and light; good and bad; positive and negative. I have seen the edge where my two souls meet; the clash of storms vying for space. There is a raging swirling pool there filled with blackness at its core desiring all that could exist to feed its engine of darkness. I stay on the calm side, the light side, the positively charged particles on the spectrum of my manifestation side, most of the time.
There are lightning flashes that can transport me – or rather, the other way around – the dark storm is transported to me. Me is the manifestation within this spectrum that I identify with. What do you call those moments when I can not identify with Me, so that I am left suspended without existence, and I fleetingly recognize Me as the deep darkness?
How can I identify with the whole of Me?
2 thoughts on “Black Outs”
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*chills* I get it.
This is absolutly beautiful (In a TS Elliot kind of way…)- i’d love to hear more of your work