as it happens

lingering a bit too long
upon those sweetest memories:
the mind's milk & honey.

There have been so many,
you'd need 10 lifetimes
to remember them all.

for every season, a fantasy!
lips pressed into the longest kiss,
disco Cinderella afternoons,

eating cereal, watching cartoons,
sun bathing on the perfect rock,
coffee under oaks,

rage singing for the crowd,
falling asleep at Tollwood,
go carting off I-95 in SC,

driving to the New Hampshire Coast
in the middle of the night,
empty desert freedom,

tripping balls in Hoenggerstr. basements,
walking home in the rain,
"101 Reasons I Love You",

floating in the dead sea,
arguing over communism,
sweat dripping from my chest,

dancing in thunderstorms,
floating in the Caribbean at night,
reading poetry to poets,

bluegrass in San Francisco,
watching her walking out of the boarding gate,
tripping balls at Werdinsel,

smoking crack in borrowed corporate hotel rooms,
being desired,
swimming in Diana's Pool,

taking pictures of covered bridges,
the parking lot in six flags in jersey,
Bentonia Mississippi blues

drives to Boston for poetry,
impromptu 420 party on U.P.,
drinking Dietrich's Bloody Marys at Asylum,

dangling over a cliff reading a book,
Wednesday nights at Station 58,
Sundays at Muddy Waters,

calling music out by its letter,
dog food shopping in the 'burbs
Connecticut Christmas snow,

wandering around looking for pictures,
meeting the Pace & Lenny,
the view from the nut house,

these lifetimes: frames, words
moments that consume
more than themselves

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind