fuck it, the dreamy distance, so enabled, empowered; you, I’ve enshrined the sounds of speech across ears deaf is a peace unknown to the burdened - oh to be blind also: to not endure the inevitable, the squired response upon horseback, black and white, such treats, ignorance. fuck it, the despotic womb, encumbering embarrassment's entrance, lying fetal, dreaming non-existence the kingdom of god and ghandi. a deformed heart to beat sideways, always off, a confusion of consumption until convalescence; oh, to know the equality of the reaper: I know my own despair, where hope holds afterlives and acceptance comes from hope’s death, such is the ego, unable to be non-existence. acceptance, finality (until the next time, until such times as we land on Interesting and the meaninglessness of Empire fades into the distant background, so dreamy, revolution romance; but ignorance is not a disease and the future is obvious to the cynic. were I decent, composed, delivered of the demons, cursed ears, cursed eyes… were I other, caught without the architecture of the past… but this future is foregone, despite my children’s prayers. it is not decent, it is not filled with hope, it is what i have been so often.