I will Not Miss You

I don’t fucking care.
That’s what you get from me. That’s all.
i want to die a miserly miserably lonely man.
I will be born as a rock.
And before I am ready,
you will come and build a road.
You, with your genius of engineering.
I despise and actively work against your
I work against everything –
it’s how you know for sure
the end of the world is not upon us.
you’re still a cocksucker.

i would punch someone in the eye
if an eye were near by.
I was looking on the way home
but we’re all so GOD DAMNED safe here –
not a thing to worry about
except God.
Well fuck you and your God:
I’m building a minaret to sing of Satan
5 times a day.
I pee in your snow and lakes and rivers.
I pee in my own. you’re not so special
that I would go out of my way for you.

i’ve been different since I stopped
wanting to be different. I’m going to die lonely.
waste, paste, taste haste.  we’re dying
and we’re all saying Greetings!
Have you no idea,
the impending doom you carry over your ears?

I will tell you a hat will not save you.
Do You Want To Know How I miss You?
I break an ankle so I won’t visit. (with a chair and a table –
it’s crude and derelict, but I won’t walk to you)
I miss you by cutting my tongue out from my mouth,
and reaching deep in, to grab my voice, and tear it out
(like so many stolen radios)
I miss you by cutting my heart out with a prison-sharpened spoon.
I will Not Miss You. I have done this before,
and broken, torn and cut
is better than missing a love.

Soapbox Artist: collecting art & literature of the worst kind